Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Have Clear Skin Naturally

Clear skin sometimes can be a challenge, but with these tips you can have better skin naturally! It's also good for your insides
  1. Know your skin type. Different skin types need different types of care. It's very important to know what type of care you need to get the best methods for clearing your skin. Here are some different skin types and their descriptions:

    • Dry Skin. Dry skin usually has a dull appearance, feels dry and itchy and is sometimes sensitive. Dry skin must be hydrated regularly from the inside (with fresh water) and outside with (mists), as well as moisturized with rich hydrating creams or lotions.
    • Oily Skin. Oily skin usually looks slippery and shiny and has a greasy texture. This type of skin is prone to acne. Oily skin benefits from periodic herbal steam treatments and clay masks.
    • Normal Skin. This skin type is a gift. Not too oily and not too dry. Normal skin looks consistently plump, moist, and vibrant. What a great blessing but it still requires no less attention than other skin types. It benefits from regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing.
    • Most people have at least two different types of facial skin at any given time. The combination of skin is frequently characterized by an oily “T-zone” area, which covers the forehead, nose and chin. While the skin around the cheeks, eyes and mouth is normal or dry. These different types of skin call for different treatments, so people with combination skin should assess their skin regularly and use different products on different areas of the face.
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    Drink water. Water cleanses your body, helping eliminate toxins. It also hydrates you and rids your skin of dirt and oils. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces (for example, if you weight 100 lbs, drink 50 ounces of water a day).

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    Use natural cleansers. Facial cleansers with too many harsh chemicals can actually be harmful to your skin. Proactivhas been known to strip paint off of walls and bleach certain fabrics. Using natural, organic cleansers can help your skin clear up faster and can be much more effective than unnatural cleansers.

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    Change your diet. Eat lots of fruits, nuts, seeds, beans etc. Eating healthy along with taking in the right vitamins can do wonders for your skin. Try going vegan for a week to see what it does for you.

    • Avoid eating meat, fish, eggs, fried foods, white flour and white sugar products, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, including contraceptive drugs, and any other stimulating over-the-counter medicines.
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    Wear less makeup. Wearing too much makeup will be damaging for your skin in the long run. Chances are people don't notice skin breakouts when they first see you. If you have to wear makeup, use natural and mineral makeup only.

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    Don't stay in the sun for too long. Try not to go in the sun for long periods between 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. That time of day is when the sun's rays are their strongest. Sunlight on your skin is a great source of vitamin D but it it can also lead to wrinkles and skin cancer.

    • Remember to use NATURAL sunscreen, SPF 15 or higher.
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    Exercise, around 15 minutes a day. Exercising properly can make your skin glow. Be sure to wash your face afterwards, sweat and dirt can clog your pores.

    1. Be sure to wash your faceproperly. Wash two or three times a day with a face wash, and sparingly follow-up with the toner directly on the affected areas. When washing your face, especially when washing off make-up, splash on cold water first as it helps to tighten the pores. Then apply your cleanser or mild soap and rinse with warm water. Follow-up with a quick cold water splash. Warm water opens up and loosens the pores of your skin. People do not realize that when rinsing the face with warm water, the pores open-up and are exposed to the bacteria, dirt, and make-up build-up, which can absorb further into the pores or can get smudged around the face through the washing process. Washing in such a way only spreads the germs and does not effectively eliminate unwanted dirt and build-up. Splashing the face first with cold water contracts the pores, sealing them off from further contamination, thus facilitating the complete removal of dirt and build-up without contributing to the spreading of dirt and bacteria. Rinsing with cold water after washing tightens the pores to seal them off from further exposure.

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      Drinking three cups per day of organic red clover tea as a natural blood purifier can help your acne clear up. Besides purifying the blood, there are dietary suggestions one can follow that can facilitate a quick recovery from outbreaks of acne. Eat a diet high in Vitamins A, B-complex, and C ,or if need be, take daily oral doses of these vitamins. A study by Dr. Samuel Bluefard of Northwestern University found that "a combination of one gram of vitamin C, orange juice-plus 100,000 units of vitamin A administered daily benefits adolescent acne."

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      For deep blemishes and long term infections, try diluted apple cider vinegar. Lavender oil can also be used as an effective anti-acne facial steam by diluting a couple drops in a hot pot of water, covering your head with a towel, and then by placing your face over the pot. The lavender steam opens up the pores and is antiseptic.

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Follow a Healthy Hair Diet

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    Eat a balanced amount ofprotein every day. Protein is essential for healthy hair growth. Just make sure you eat the right amount.

    • Hair is largely composed of keratin, a protein made up of amino acids. To grow new hair, your body must produce more amino acids, which it can only do from consuming protein.

    • Healthy protein sources include lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, and soy products. Ensuring you have enough protein in your daily diet, the protein will literally give your body the building blocks for new hair growth.

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    Be sure to eat adequate amounts of iron and zinc. Iron and zinc deficiencies can lead to poor hair health or even hair loss in addition to conditions such as anemia.

    • Iron is essential for the transmission of oxygen to your cells (including your hair follicles) and helps your body use protein to build strong hair. Animal sources, such as lean meats, poultry, and eggs are most readily absorbed by your body, but good vegetarian sources include beans, lentils, tofu, and soybeans.

    • Zinc helps your body grow and repair tissue, such as your hair, and keeps the oil glands around your hair follicles working as they should. Get your zinc from peanut butter, lean meat, oysters and crab, poultry, pumpkin seeds, or chickpeas.

    • If you have a zinc or iron deficiency, you may need supplements that should only be taken under the direction of a health professional. Many people can achieve healthy levels of iron and zinc by eating the above-mentioned foods or by consuming fortified grain products, such as cereal, bread, and pasta.

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    Don't cut fat out of your diet. Healthy fats are indispensable to hair growth. Without fat in your diet, your body cannot maintain healthy hair.

    • Fat is also very important to the body because it helps it assimilate vitamins that are necessary for hair growth, like Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
    • Be sure to limit your fat into to a healthy level and focus on unsaturated fats and fatty acids such as Omega 3.
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    Make sure you meet your recommended daily intake ofVitamin C. Having a Vitamin C deficiency can cause dry, dull, and weak hair that is prone to breakage.
    • Your body uses Vitamin C to build collagen, a fiber essential to the production of new hair cells. Without Vitamin C, your body will also have a hard time absorbing iron, so it's doubly important to make sure you get your daily dose, particularly in combination with iron-rich foods.

    • Good sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits, pineapples, strawberries, guava, broccoli, kale, and peppers.

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    Take B vitamins to avoid hair loss. Anecdotally, B vitamin supplements and topical applications have gained a significant following among those trying to speed up hair growth.

    • Though there is little scientific evidence that increased consumption of B Vitamins such as riboflavin and biotin actually leads to healthier hair, deficiencies of these vitamins can lead to hair loss or thinning.Consult with your physician before taking any supplements since hair loss could be a result of something other than a Vitamin B deficiency.
    • Good sources of B vitamins include seafood, spinach, oatmeal and other whole grains, soybean products, lean dairy, lean meats, bananas, lentils, potatoes (with the skin), peas, beets, broccoli, and artichokes.
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    Have realistic expectations about your dietary changes. What you eat will not affect the hair that has already grown, but it will affect new growth. Dietary effects on hair may take up to 6 months to be visible even though changing your diet may begin affecting the growth of hair in a much shorter time period.

Promote Growth by Minimizing Stress

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    Maintain good general health and avoid stress. Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to reduce general physical stress levels. Intense physical or emotional stress can cause hair growth to slow or shut down completely. In severe cases, stress can cause hair loss.

    • Extended fatigue, dietary deficiencies, and sleep deprivation can trigger your body to go into a survival mode where it exclusively devotes its energy to maintaining essential bodily functions and organ repair, leaving your hair malnourished and unprotected from damage and loss.
    • When your body has adequate stores of nutrients required for healthy hair and does not need to devote energy and nutrients to simply keeping you awake, it can utilize those nutrients to build and protect your hair. The better your nutrition and general health, the more likely your body will be able to construct healthy hair quickly.
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    Identify specific physical stressors. Certain physical stressors, such as excessive dietary supplementation or overuse of certain over-the-counter medications, physical trauma, and hyperactivity can stress the body to the point of shutting down hair production and growth.

    • If you are experiencing one of these factors, address the physical condition to reduce strain on your body before focusing on promoting swift hair growth. Slow or unhealthy hair growth or hair loss may be signs that your body needs to heal itself in another area before devoting nutrients and energy to quickly constructing hair.
    • In many cases, hair growth will return to previous rates after recovery or following the removal of the physical stressor. For instance, someone suffering from the physical trauma of a car accident may notice slow hair growth for several months, but once the wounds have healed (and emotional stress is also addressed), hair growth should return to normal.
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    Learn how to effectively manage emotional stress. Emotionally stressful events, such as the loss of a loved one, a change in employment, feeling a lack of security, or worrying about not having a safe place to live, can all cause slowed or halted hair growth until the body is able to adjust. Removing emotional and psychological stressors can help give your body the environment it needs to produce healthy and rapid hair growth.

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    Be patient. It may take several months to see visible slowing of hair growth or even hair loss because of extreme or chronic stress, but that doesn't mean that stress levels should be ignored. It generally takes many months to repair the damage that stress inflicts on your hair so the sooner you start reducing your stress levels and learning how to relax on a daily basis, the better chance you'll have of promoting faster 

    • If you suspect you have this or another fungal infection, discuss using an oral or topical anti-fungal medication to treat the condition before focusing on hair growth treatments. In many cases, once ringworm is treated, hair begins to grow normally again.
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    Avoid highly restrictive diets unless advised by a physician. Eating disorders, restrictive fad diets, crash diets, fasting, and certain nutrition-related illnesses can cause slow hair growth and even hair loss. If your nutrition is sub-optimal due to any of these conditions, discuss proper nutrition with a physician or dietitian before beginning hair growth regimens.

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    Ask your healthcare provider whether your hair issues may be caused by hormonal fluctuations or imbalances.

    • Hormonal changes, such as menopause, a change in birth control use, pregnancy or childbirth, thyroid problems, or elevated levels of testosterone, can cause hair thinning, loss, or slow hair growth.In many cases, balancing your hormones will return hair growth to normal.
    • Growth naturally slows with age, so if that your hair loss is caused solely by natural hormonal changes related to age, maximizing hair growth through diet and nutrition is the best treatment.

Trim your hair. Regularly trimming hair to remove split ends (at most every 10 to 12 weeks) can help prevent split hairs from traveling further up the strand, weakening the hair and making it prone to breakage. Trimming hair does not promote faster growth, but may help prevent hair damage that can lead to the appearance of slower or less healthy hair growth.